Thursday 29 November 2012

Vim on terminal

If your love with VIM grows founder and bigger than for emacs, you can set your terminal with VIM keys. Just put "set -o vim" on your .bashrc file and you will start to use VIM keybindings.

Terminator console

For those Linux users who think that shell is the most beautiful thing in the world, I've news for you. You can reach heaven with the Terminator console. Look for it in the Linux installers and you will reach Nirvana. Trust me, I know what I'm saying...

Thursday 21 June 2012

Equals method in java

Invoking equals method in java is error prone, and most of the programmers that redefines equals do not do it well. This article explains how to implement equals method in java.

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Is Ubuntu safe?

Who said that Linux is the most invincible OS that exists? Not Ubuntu, check this exploit. The only thing that I can state for sure is that there is a relation in the figures between popularity and exploits. As the popularity of the OS increases, the number of exploits also increases.

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Menubar in gnome-terminal

I'm so tired of the menu bar in gnome-terminal. I've searched on the web how to remove it, and, finally found it.
Tired of the menu bar in gnome-terminal? Check this link, or, disable Preferences->Appearance->"Display menubar in windows".

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Selecting Text (Copy/Paste) in Elinks

It's been harsh for me to find how I select text to Copy/Paste in elinks. There isn't many explanations about that. Finally, I found it!

Elinks supports text selection. Use the Shift key when selecting.

Another common question refers to be able to select text using only keyboard in elinks? The answer is that, elinks does not handle that, it depends on the terminal emulator you're using, which in most cases does not support it.You have to use the mouse (gdm if you’re not running X)

Thursday 23 February 2012

Tolerant to Intrusion vs Security

Sometimes, these two terms can mix and become confusing. Giving an analogy, a system is secured when there is something protecting it against attacks. A system is intrusion tolerant, if despite the system being attacked, the tentative of disruption will just cause insignificant damage and the system will never halt and can recover quickly to these attempts.

It exists several techniques to protect a system tolerant intrusions. The most used is replicating the system through different networks. When the same system is spread through different networks, and, specially, running in a diverse environment (like the system running in different operating systems), a hacker, or a group of hackers, must attack successfully all the replicas e force the machine to stay offline til the end of the attack.

With a set a replicas it is easy to have a backup architecture, where all replicas runs as secondary nodes that helps the primary one. If the primary one is being attacked, or can not respond quickly to the requests, all the traffic will be deviated to the secondary replicas. A backup architecture implemented using Hardware or Software.

Another way to turn a system tolerant to intrusions, is constantly forcing the machine to reboot, or change the IP. Every time the machine restarts, she will be considered as a new node in the web. This architecture will reproduce a time machine look-a-like that, when combining with the replicas, at each specific instance, a replica restarts, or changes the IP, and it becomes the primary node.